2024-2025 Course Catalog

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Materials in Society (MTSC) Minor

Instructions: Complete all classes in Section I (Core Requirements), three classes from Section II (Restricted Electives), and Section III (Materials and Society Capstone Requirement). 18 total credit hours are required to complete the minor. no more than 50% of the graded course credits required for the minor may be double-counted in a student’s major.

I. Required Minor Courses
MSE 1014The Science of Materials in Everyday Life (Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences ; Integrative Outcome: Ethical Reasoning)3
CHEM 3054Postconsumer Materials (Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences ; Integrative Outcome: Intercultural and Global Awareness)3
II. Restricted Electives
Select three credits from each of the following sections for a total of nine credits:9
IIa: Social Equity
Morality and Justice (Pathways Concept 2 - Critical Thinking in the Humanities ; Integrative Outcome: Ethical Reasoning)
Science, Techology, and Environment (Pathways Concept 2 - Critical Thinking in the Humanities ; Integrative Outcomes: Intercultural and Global Awareness; Ethical Reasoning)
Energy and Society (Pathways Concept 2 - Critical Thinking in the Humanities or Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences ; Integrative Outcome: Intercultural and Global Awareness)
Technology and Disability (Pathways Concept 2 - Critical Thinking in the Humanities or Pathways Concept 6 - Critique and Practice in Design and the Arts (design); Integrative Outcome: Ethical Reasoning)
Writing and Social Justice (Pathways Concept 1 - Discourse (advanced/applied) and Pathways Concept 7 - Critical Analysis of Identity and Equity in the United States ; Integrative Outcome: Ethical Reasoning)
IIb: Policy
Global Science and Technology Policy (Pathways Concept 2 - Critical Thinking in the Humanities ; Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences ; Integrative Outcome: Intercultural and Global Awareness)
Collaborative Policy-Making and Planning (Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences and Pathways Concept 7 - Critical Analysis of Identity and Equity in the United States ; Integrative Outcome: Ethical Reasoning)
Data and the Art of Policy-Making and Planning (Pathways Concept 5 - Quantitative and Computational Thinking (advanced/applied); Integrative Outcome: Ethical Reasoning)
Climate Change and the International Policy Framework (Pathways Concept 1 - Discourse (advanced/applied) or Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences ; Integrative Outcome: Ethical Reasoning)
Water Resources Policy and Economics (Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences and Pathways Concept 7 - Critical Analysis of Identity and Equity in the United States ; Integrative Outcome: Ethical Reasoning)
IIc: Materials Science
Energy and Raw Materials: Geopolitics and Sustainable Development (Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences ; Integrative Outcome: Intercultural and Global Awareness)
Chemistry in Context (Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences ; Integrative Outcome: Ethical Reasoning) 1
Chemistry in Context (Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences ; Integrative Outcome: Ethical Reasoning) 1
Earth Resources, Society, and Environment (Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences ; Integrative Outcome: Intercultural and Global Awareness)
Foundations of Environmental Science (Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences ; Integrative Outcome: Intercultural and Global Awareness)
Foundations of Environmental Science (Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences ; Integrative Outcome: Intercultural and Global Awareness)
Earth Science: Our Past, Present, and Future (Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences ; Integrative Outcome: Ethical Reasoning)
III. Materials and Society Capstone Requirement
CHEM 40543
Total Credits18

Prior credit in CHEM 1035 General Chemistry or CHEM 1036 General Chemistry can substitute for CHEM 1015 Chemistry in Context or CHEM 1016 Chemistry in Context.


Some courses listed on this checksheet may have prerequisites. Students are required to double check course prerequisites and equivalents. Please see your advisor or consult the Undergraduate Course Catalog for more information.

Minimum GPA

For the courses attempted for this minor, the student must have a GPA of 2.0 or better.

For planning purposes, students may wish to be aware that the following courses are typically taught during:

  • Fall Semester: STS 2454 Science, Techology, and Environment, STS 3334 Energy and Society, SPIA 2554 Collaborative Policy-Making and Planning, MINE 2114 Energy and Raw Materials: Geopolitics and Sustainable Development, CHEM 1015 Chemistry in Context, FREC 4174 Climate Change and the International Policy Framework, FREC 4464 Water Resources Policy and Economics, ENSC 1015 Foundations of Environmental Science, GEOS 1014 Evolution of the Earth-Life System, and STS 3284 Technology and Disability.
  • Spring Semester: CHEM 1016 Chemistry in Context, PHIL 1304 Morality and Justice, STS 2444 Global Science and Technology Policy, SPIA 4464 Data and the Art of Policy-Making and Planning, GEOS 1024 Earth Resources, Society, and Environment, CHEM 3054 Postconsumer Materials, MSE 1014 The Science of Materials in Everyday Life, CHEM 4054 , ENSC 1016 Foundations of Environmental Science, and GEOS 1004 Earth Science: Our Past, Present, and Future.