2024-2025 Course Catalog

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Language Sciences (LNGS) Minor

I. Required Minor Courses
ENGL 1504Introduction to Contemporary Linguistics (Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences ; Integrative Concept: Intercultural Awareness)3
Select one of the following:3
Gender and Linguistics (Pathways Concept 1 - Discourse (advanced/applied); Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences ; Integrative Concept: Intercultural Awareness )
Language and Ethnicity in the United States (Pathways Concept 1 - Discourse (advanced/applied); Integrative Concept: Intercultural Awareness)
Minority Languages in the Spanish-Speaking Context (Pathways Concept 2 - Critical Thinking in the Humanities ; Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences ; Integrative Concept: Intercultural Awareness)
ENGL 4074Syntax (Pathways Concept 5 - Quantitative and Computational Thinking (advanced); Integrative Concept: Intercultural Awareness)3
or ENGL 4144 Phonology
II. Elective Courses
Select two of the following: 1 6
Language and Society (Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences ; Integrative Concept: Ethical Reasoning ; Integrative Concept: Intercultural Awareness)
Language and the Mind
Analyzing the Sounds of Language (Pathways Concept 5 - Quantitative and Computational Thinking (foundational); Integrative Concepts: Ethical Reasoning)
The Languages of Native America
Multicultural Communication (Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences ; Integrative Concepts: Intercultural Awareness)
Linguistic Discourse Analysis
History of the English Language
Special Topics in German Life, Literature, and Language 2
Language Development
Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
Sounds of Spanish
Topics in Spanish Linguistics
Independent Study 3
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
or HEB 4974
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
Language Sciences Capstone
ENGL 4084Conducting Research in the Language Sciences3
Total Credits18

Courses in Section I not taken as required may be used as electives.


GER 4334 counts as an elective only when History of the German Language is the topic.


An independent study on an appropriate linguistic topic as approved by a linguistics faculty member.

Graduation Requirements

The Pathways Minor in Language Sciences requires 18 hours.

Some courses on this checksheet have prerequisites. Please consult the University Catalog or your advisor.

In order to graduate with a Minor in Language Sciences, students must complete all courses comprising the minor with a GPA of 2.0 or better.