2024-2025 Academic Catalog

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Global Food Security and Health (GFSH) Minor

Required Minor Courses
Introductory Pathways Courses
AAEC 1005Economics of the Food and Fiber System3
or ECON 2005 Principles of Economics
CSES 2244Agriculture, Global Food Security and Health3
Middle Pathways Course
HD 2014Integrative Practices for Health, Wellbeing, and Resilience3
Other Non-Pathways Required Courses
or ALS 3954 Study Abroad
or ALS4994
SPES 4114Topics: StudyAway: Production, Culture and Social Aspects US Agriculture3
Restricted Electives
Select two of the following (minimum 6 credits):6
Monetary and Global Issues in Applied Economics
International Agricultural Development and Trade
Environment and Sustainable Development Economics
Leadership Effectiveness for Professionals in Agricultural Organizations
Field Study
Study Abroad
Undergraduate Research
Forests, Society & Climate
Global Forest Sustainability
Natural Resources Economics
Food, War and Conflict
Environmental Justice, Resources and Development (Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences)
Gender, Environment, and International Development
Plants, Places, and Cultures in a Global Context
Introduction to Public Health
Plants, Genes, and People
World Crops: Food and Culture
Total Credits19

Graduation Requirements


  • The Global Food Security and Health minor is an interdisciplinary program that explores the biophysical, technological, and institutional drivers that contribute to global food security and population health.
  • Minimum credits to complete minor =19
  • Minimum GPA of 2.0 in all courses taken to fulfill the minor is required
  • A minimum of 6 credits at the 3XXX-4XXX level must be completed
  • Some courses listed for this minor may have pre-/co-requisites, please consult the University Course Catalog, or check with your advisor. 
  • Students choosing Global Food Security and Health minor will register with the Office of Academic Programs in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 1060 Litton Reaves Hall. This will enable the college to provide any pertinent assistance, materials, and information to the student.  
  • Faculty advisor in the Office of Academic Programs will serve as a counterpart to the student's major advisor.
  • If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Ozzie Abaye at cotton@vt.edu or Karen Drake-Whitney at kdrake@vt.edu