2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Welcome to Virginia Tech! We are excited that you are here planning your time as a Hokie.

Biodiversity Conservation (BIOD) Minor

Required Foundational Courses
FREC 1004/GEOG 1084Digital Planet (Pathways Concept 5 - Quantitative and Computational Thinking)3
FIW 2114Principles of Fish and Wildlife Conservation (Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences)3
Mid-Level Courses
Select 3 courses from the two restricted Elective groups:9-10
One course from the Human Dimensions Area
One course from the Natural Resources Area
One course from either the Human Dimensions or Natural Resources area
Required Capstone Course
FIW 4114Biodiversity Conservation (Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences) 13
Total Credits18-19
Restricted Electives
Human Dimensions
AAEC 3324Environment and Sustainable Development Economics (Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences Pathways Concept 7 - Critical Analysis of Identity and Equity in the United States) 13
FIW 2334Urbanization and Biodiversity Conservation3
FIW 2514Fish and Wildlife Conservation Policy (Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences)3
FIW 4454Human-Wildlife Conflicts3
FIW 4464Human Dimensions of Fisheries and Wildlife3
GEOG 3104Environmental Justice, Resources and Development (Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences)3
HIST 3144American Environmental History (Pathways Concept 2 - Critical Thinking in the Humanities Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences) 13
STS 2454Science, Techology, and Environment (Pathways Concept 2 - Critical Thinking in the Humanities)3
Natural Resource
FIW 2234Fish, Fishing, and Conservation (Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences) 13
FIW 2324Wildlife Field Biology3
FIW 4244Applied Epidemiology of Fish and Wildlife Diseases3
FIW/FREC 4324Genetics of Natural and Mangaged Populations3
FIW 4424Ichthyology4
FIW 4454Human-Wildlife Conflicts3
FIW 4534Ecology and Management of Wetland Systems3
FIW 4614Fish Ecology3
FREC 3364Environmental Silviculture3

Where more than one outcome is listed, only one outcome may be counted unless it is outcome 7, which may be double counted with another outcome.

Graduation Requirements

Notes for Biodiversity Conservation Pathways Minor:

  1. Students in the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Degree (Wildlife Conservation, Freshwater Fish Conservation, Marine Fish Conservation , Fish Conservation/Human Dimension Option, Wildlife Conservation/Human Dimensions Option) are not eligible to declare the Biodiversity Conservation Pathways Minor.
  2. At least two courses taken must be at the 3000-4000 level.
  3. Any course substitution requests of the courses above must be proposed in writing to the College of Natural Resources and Environment Advising Center in 138 Cheatham Hall.
  4. Some courses listed on this checksheet may have prerequisites, please consult the University Course Catalog, or check with your advisor.
  5. A minimum cumulative GPA for all classes taken for the minor is 2.0

Steps for Completing the Biodiversity Conservation Minor

  1. Make an advising appointment with the Biodiversity Conservation Minor Coordinator for orientation to the minor.
  2. Declare the Biodiversity Conservation minor at the CNRE Advising Center in 138 Cheatham Hall.
  3. Include minor information when updating the application for degree in Hokie Spa.
  4. Students cannot graduate until they have either (1) satisfied the requirements for the minor or (2) withdrawn from the minor by notifying CNRE Advising Center office in 138 Cheatham and revising their DARS.