2024-2025 Course Catalog

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View Undergraduate Course Catalog

Global Engagement (GLBE) Minor

Program Curriculum

Required Minor Courses
Select one of the following:3
Comp Gov & Politics
Introduction to World Politics
The Global Economy and World Politics
Elective Courses
Select 15 hours from the following:15
IS 3954
Topics in Diplomacy Lab
Topics in Multilateral Diplomacy Workshop
Topics in Multilateral Diplomacy Workshop
Intelligence Analysis Workshop
IS 4964
Undergraduate Research
Total Credits18

Graduation Requirements

Hours Requirement: A minimum of 18 hours is required to graduate with an Global Engagement minor.

GPA requirement: GPA of 2.0 is required for the Global Engagement minor. All courses listed on this checksheet are included in the Global Engagement minor GPA calculation.

Prerequisites: Some courses listed on this checksheet have prerequisites. Be sure to consult the University Catalog and/or check with your advisor.

Dual Use of Courses: No course can double count within or between International Studies-related majors or minors with the exception of the Core Degree Requirements and IS 1004 Nations and Nationalities, IS 2054 Introduction to World Politics and IS 2064 The Global Economy and World Politics.

Intra-IS Program majoring and minoring: Students may pursue more than one major or minor associated with the International Studies Program. In this case, the policy pertaining to the "Dual Use of Courses" will apply.

Intra-departmental majoring and minoring: Students pursuing one or more majors associated with the International Studies Program cannot major or minor in Political Science.