2024-2025 Course Catalog

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Advertising (ADV)

ADV 2034 - Visual Communication Strategies (3 credits) 

Concepts and techniques of visual storytelling for corporate and commercial communication through paid, earned, shared, and owned media. Design and production of visual messages for delivery through print, photography, videography, and online channels. Analysis of effective visual communication in advertising and public relations campaigns. Ethical consideration of visual communication choices. Pre: Sophomore standing

Prerequisite(s): COMM 1016 or ENGL 1106 or ENGL 1204H 
Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd) 
ADV 2134 - Introduction to Health Communication (3 credits) 

Introduction to health communication with a focus on current issues and perspectives, including patient-provider communication, cultural conceptions of health and illness, media portrayals of health, communication in health organizations, health communication theories, information technologies in health communication, ethical considerations, and health promotion campaigns.

Pathway Concept Area(s): 3 Reasoning in Social Sciences, 10 Ethical Reasoning 
Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd) 
ADV 3004 - Advertising Copywriting and Brand Storytelling (3 credits) 

Writing advertising messages for print, broadcast, and online media. Basic design and strategic messaging for visual, verbal, and video storytelling. Promotional and sales appeals for products, services, and causes. Theories of image creation and brand identity. Legal and ethical considerations in paid media.

Prerequisite(s): COMM 2024 and MKTG 3504 
Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd) 
ADV 3014 - Account Planning and Media Buying (3 credits) 

Account planning and media buying in an agency environment. Business and market analysis for advertising clients. Research and assessment strategies for paid-media messages. Management, motivation and persuasion theories in programming. Data analysis, creative briefs, and copy testing. Selection and scheduling of media buys to deliver promotional messages through appropriate communication channels to target audiences efficiently and effectively. Legal and ethical considerations in advertising planning and management.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3504 
Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd) 
ADV 3024 - Ethics and Social Responsibility in Advertising (3 credits) 

Social and ethical issues in commercial and corporate speech. Government regulations of advertising. Propaganda in business, social, and political communication through history. Influence of advertising on culture, social movements, and gender identity.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3504 
Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd) 
ADV 3034 - Topics in Public Relations and Advertising (3 credits) 

Selected topics in public relations and advertising. Emphasis on theoretical, practical, or ethical issues in selected contexts. May be repeated 1 time with different content for a maximum of 6 credits.

Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd) 
Repeatability: up to 6 credit hours 
Course Crosslist: PR 3034 
ADV 4324 - Issues in Health Communication (3 credits) 

Study of issues related to the theory and practice of health communication, including interpersonal, public, organizational, political, and cultural. Junior standing required.

Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd) 
ADV 5204 - Health Communication (3 credits) 

Health communication with a focus on application of communication theory to health contexts, including health literacy, patient-provider communication, electronic health and technology; health communication messages and campaigns; impact of media and culture on health; ethical communication. Pre: Graduate standing.

Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd) 
ADV 5554 - Health Communication Campaigns (3 credits) 

Investigates theory-driven, research-based approaches to health message design, audience-centered strategies for health campaign design, and the impact of social media and new communication technologies on health campaigns. Focus on health communicator campaign goals including synthesizing research, understanding the audience, creating engaging and persuasive communication, and delivering messages in ways that raise awareness and increase positive health behaviors. Pre: Graduate standing

Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd)