2024-2025 Course Catalog

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View Undergraduate Course Catalog
Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation

Environmental Resources Management Major

Program Curriculum

Degree Core Requirements
FREC 2214Introduction to Land and Field Measurements 13
FREC 2314Forest Biology and Dendrology 12
FREC 2324Dendrology Laboratory1
FREC 2614Human-Environment Systems 13
FREC/NR 4004Professional Skills in Natural Resources1
FREC/NR 4014Natural Resources Economics 13
FREC 4114Information Technologies for Natural Resource Management 13
FREC 4434Natural Resource Policy 13
Major Requirements
BIOL 1115Principles of Biology Laboratory 11
BIOL 1116Principles of Biology Laboratory 11
CHEM 1035General Chemistry 13
CHEM 1045General Chemistry Laboratory 11
ENSC 3134Soils in the Landscape3
FIW 2114Principles of Fish and Wildlife Conservation3
FREC 2004Forest Ecosystems 13
or FREC 3314 Forest Ecology and Silvics
FREC 2414Field Experience in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation2
FREC 3354Trees in the Built Environment3
or FREC 4334 Principles and Practice of Agroforestry
FREC 3364Environmental Silviculture (Pathways 6 Design)3
FREC 4214Forest Photogrammetry and Spatial Data Processing 13
or GEOG 4354 Introduction to Remote Sensing
FREC 4354Forest Soil and Watershed Management 13
FREC 4374Forested Wetlands 13
FREC/AAEC/WATR 4464Water Resources Policy and Economics (Pathways 3 and 7) 13
GEOS 1024Earth Resources, Society, and Environment3
or GEOS 1004 Earth Science: Our Past, Present, and Future
GEOS 1124Earth Resources, Society and Environment Laboratory1
or GEOS 1104 Introduction to Earth Sciences Laboratory
Restricted Electives
Global Environmental Issues Restricted Elective
Select one of the following:3
International Agricultural Development and Trade (Pathway 3) 1
Forests, Society & Climate (Pathway 3 or Pathway 4)
Global Forest Sustainability
Climate Change and the International Policy Framework
Principles and Practice of Agroforestry
Environmental Problems, Population, and Development (Pathway 3)
Geography of Resources 1
International Development Policy and Planning
Circular Economy Analytics for Sustainable Systems
Global Environmental Issues: Interdisciplinary Perspectives 1
Gender, Environment, and International Development 1
Law Restricted Elective
Select one of the following:3
Environmental Law
Agricultural Law
Legal and Ethical Environment of Business 1
Law of Critical Environmental Areas
Legal Foundations of Planning 1
Public Relations Restricted Elective
Select one of the following:3
Grant Proposals and Reports 1
Environmental Interpretation (Pathway 1a)
Multicultural Communication (Pathway 3)
Principles of Public Relations
Collaborative Policy-Making and Planning (Pathway 3 and PATHWAY-7)
Urban Environments Restricted Elective
Select one of the following:3
Plants and Greenspaces in Urban Communities (Pathway 4)
Urban and Community Forestry (Pathway 1a)
The U.S. City 1
UAP 2014
Introduction to Environmental Policy and Planning
Land Use and Environment: Planning and Policy 1
Water Restricted Elective
Select one of the following:3-4
Freshwater Ecology 1
Aquatic Entomology 1
Ecology and Management of Wetland Systems 1
Fish Ecology 1
Principles of Watershed Hydrology 1,2
Watersheds and Water Quality Monitoring 1
Wetland Hydrology and Biogeochemistry
Free Electives
Select free electives to total 120 credits. 22
Pathways to General Education
Pathways Concept 1 - Discourse
COMM 1015Communication Skills3
or ENGL 1105 First-Year Writing
COMM 1016Communication Skills3
or ENGL 1106 First-Year Writing
Select three credits in Pathway 1a3
Pathways Concept 2 - Critical Thinking in the Humanities
FREC/LAR/NR 2554Leadership for Global Sustainability3
Select three credits in Pathway 23
Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences
AAEC 1005Economics of the Food and Fiber System3
or ECON 2005 Principles of Economics
FREC/AAEC/WATR 4464Water Resources Policy and Economics 13
Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences
BIOL 1105Principles of Biology3
BIOL 1106Principles of Biology3
Pathways Concept 5 - Quantitative and Computational Thinking
MATH 1025Elementary Calculus3-4
or MATH 1225 Calculus of a Single Variable
MATH 1026Elementary Calculus3-4
or MATH 1226 Calculus of a Single Variable
STAT 3615Biological Statistics 13
Pathways Concept 6 - Critique and Practice in Design and the Arts
Select three credits in Pathway 6a3
FREC 3364Environmental Silviculture 13
Pathways Concept 7 - Critical Analysis of Identity and Equity in the United States
FREC/AAEC/WATR 4464Water Resources Policy and Economics 1,33
Total Credits120-123

Prerequisites or enrollment restrictions may apply to some courses. Consult the undergraduate course catalog or the time table of classes.


Students interested in pursuing hydrology positions in the federal government should note the US Office of Personnel Management Hydrology Qualification Standards, outlined on the notes page of this checksheet


Free elective estimations are calculated utilizing available overlap between major requirements and Pathways requirements


A course taken to satisfy another area of Pathways that is also listed within Concept 7 will satisfy the Concept 7 requirement simultaneously

  1. Satisfactory Progress: By the end of the semester in which the student has attempted 60 hours (including transfer, advanced placement, advanced standing, and credit by examination), "satisfactory progress" towards a B.S. degree in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation will include the following minimum criteria:
    • Having an in-major and overall grade point average of at least 2.0
    • Passing at least 24 semester credits that apply to Pathways General Education requirements
    • Passing the following courses or their equivalents: BIOL 1105 Principles of BiologyBIOL 1106 Principles of BiologyBIOL 1115 Principles of Biology Laboratory, and BIOL 1116 Principles of Biology LaboratoryCHEM 1035 General Chemistry and MATH 1026 Elementary Calculus.

Graduation Requirements

Environmental Resource Management Notes

Minimum credit hours required for graduation is 120.

  1. In-major grade point average computation:  Includes all courses designated as FIW, FREC, GEOG, NR, SBIO, GEOS, and WATR.
  2. An in-major and overall GPA of at least 2.0 is required for graduation.
  3. In accordance with university guidelines, courses satisfying degree core requirements may not be double-counted to satisfy other areas of a degree (e.g., Pathways requirements) .
  4. Policy on Student Exchanges: If studying overseas or at another U.S. university, begin planning at least 9 months prior to your departure to allow time to determine what substitutions, if any, will be allowed and to arrange your schedule to ensure that all requirements for graduation will be met.

For students interested in pursuing hydrology positions in the federal government, please note:

US Office of Personnel Management: Hydrology Qualification Standards:
Basic Requirements:

Degree: physical or natural science, or engineering that included at least 30 semester hours in any combination of courses in hydrology, the physical sciences, geophysics, chemistry, engineering science, soils, mathematics, aquatic biology, atmospheric science, meteorology, geology, oceanography, or the management or conservation of water resources. The course work must have included at least 6 [credit hours] in calculus (including both differential and integral calculus, e.g., MATH 1025 Elementary Calculus and MATH 1026 Elementary Calculus), and at least 6 [credit hours] in physics (e.g., PHYS 2205 General Physics and PHYS 2206 General Physics).
The Watershed Management minor will facilitate completion of additional water-related coursework that may be beneficial for those seeking federal hydrology positions. For full information, consult your advisor.

 Acceptable Substitutions

  1. Acceptable Substitutions: The following requirements have acceptable substitutions .

Foreign Language Requirement