2024-2025 Course Catalog

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View Undergraduate Course Catalog

Program Curriculum

Degree Core Requirements
First Year Experience
RLCL 1004Introduction to Religion and Culture (or an FYE course completed in another major)3
Language (e.g., Oral, Written, Interpretive)
ARBC 2105Intermediate Arabic3
ARBC 2106Intermediate Arabic3
Other Language-program-specific Courses (e.g., Literature, Culture, Linguistics)
ARBC 3105Advanced Arabic3
ARBC 3106Advanced Arabic3
ARBC 3124Arabic for Oral Proficiency3
ARBC 4154Advanced Composition and Stylistics3
Major Requirements
ARBC 3514Media Arabic3
ARBC 2774Arab Culture and Civilization 13
ARBC 3474Topics in Arab Cinema 1,23
ARBC 3304Modern Arabic Literature in Translation 13
ARBC 4334Research in Arab Culture3
Free Electives
Complete remaining credit hours to satisfy 120 credit hour requirement.39
Pathways to General Education
Pathways Concept 1 - Discourse
Select six credits in Pathway 1f6
Select three credits in Pathway 1a3
Pathways Concept 2 - Critical Thinking in the Humanities
Select six credits in Pathway 26
Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences
Select six credits in Pathway 36
Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences
Select six credits in Pathway 46
Pathways Concept 5 - Quantitative and Computational Thinking
Select six credits in Pathway 5f6
Select three credits in Pathway 5a3
Pathways Concept 6 - Critique and Practice in Design and the Arts
Select three credits in Pathway 6d3
Select three credits in Pathway 6a3
Pathways Concept 7 - Critical Analysis of Identity and Equity in the United States
Select three credits in Pathway 7 33
Total Credits120

May also count toward Pathways. Taught in English.


May be taken twice for 6 credits.


May be double-counted with another core concept.

Satisfactory Progress Toward Degree

By the time a student majoring in Arabic has completed 72 semester credits (including transfer, advanced placement, advanced standing, and course withdrawal), the student must have completed satisfactorily the following courses in Arabic: ARBC 3105 Advanced Arabic, ARBC 3106 Advanced Arabic, and ARBC 3124 Arabic for Oral Proficiency. Satisfactory completion means a C or better (in each required course in the major).

  • Some courses required for this major have pre-/co-requisite and/or enrollment requirements. Please refer to Undergraduate Course Catalog or consult your advisor for information about pre-/co-requisite and enrollment requirements.

Graduation Requirements

GPA Requirements

Students must have a 2.0 in-major GPA in Arabic and earn a C or better in each course for it to count towards the major.

Total Hours Required: 120 credit hours required for graduation

Transfer Credit

  • Students may transfer no more than 18 of the last 45 cr. of course work. Study Abroad falls under this rule if it is not VT credit.
  • A form for “Authorization to Take Courses Elsewhere” must be filled out and signed by the student, the department representative, and the Director of the Global Education Office before the student departs on the study abroad program.
  •  A maximum of 50% of the required credits for a degree may be earned at a two-year college.

Free Electives:

  • Complete remaining credit hours needed to satisfy degree 120 credit hour requirement.

Additional Graduation Requirements

As a major in Arabic, you will have completed the Foreign Language (FL) requirement at Virginia Tech:

  • Students who completed 3 years of a single FL in high school have completed the requirement.
  • Students who did not complete 3 years of a single FL in high school may complete the requirement as follows:
    • Complete 2 years of a single language in high school, plus 1106 or equivalent in college (these 3 hours count toward the 120 required for graduation) or
    • Complete 1105-1106 or equivalent in college (these 6 hours do not count toward the 120 required for graduation)