Satisfactory progress toward the degree is defined as successful completion of HD 1004 Childhood and Adolescence and Pathways Concept 1f, 4, and 5f by the time the student has attempted 72 semester hours.
Graduation Requirements
Minimum University GPA is 2.0. Minimum in-major GPA is 2.0. All core courses and major courses count toward the in-major GPA. In accordance with university guidelines, courses satisfying degree core requirements may not be double counted to satisfy other areas of a degree.
In addition to satisfying all University, Pathways, and Human Development major requirements, students will complete sufficient Free Electives to total 120 credit hours.
Foreign Language Requirement
Students who did not successfully complete at least two years of a single foreign, classical, or sign language during high school must successfully complete six credit hours of a single foreign, classical, or sign language at the college level. Courses taken to meet this requirement do not count towards the minimum credit hours required for graduation.