Satisfactory progress toward the degree is defined as successful completion of HD 1004 Childhood and Adolescence and Pathways Concept 1f, 4, and 5f by the time the student has attempted 72 semester hours.
Graduation Requirements
The ECDE major does not grant teaching licensure. Students should seek academic advising regarding additional coursework required for Virginia State teaching endorsement in preparation for teaching licensure. Recommended courses are based on VA State Teaching licensure requirements at time degree requirements were created. Seek academic advising for help choosing courses.
Prerequisites: Some courses listed on this checksheet may have prerequisites; please consult the University Course Catalog or check with your advisor.
Minimum University GPA is 2.0. Minimum in-major GPA is 2.0. All core courses and major courses count toward the in-major GPA. In accordance with university guidelines, courses satisfying degree core requirements may not be double counted to satisfy other areas of a degree.
Satisfactory progress toward the degree is defined as successful completion of HD 1004 Childhood and Adolescence and Pathways Concept 1f, 4, and 5f by the time the student has attempted 72 semester hours.
Foreign Language Requirement
A sequence of 2 foreign language courses is required for graduation unless 2 high school credits of the same foreign language or 6 transfer credit hours of foreign language have been earned. These credits do not count toward graduation—see Undergraduate Catalog section on graduation requirements.