2024-2025 Course Catalog

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View Undergraduate Course Catalog
Bachelor of Architecture

Architecture Major

Program Curriculum

Degree Core Requirements
Architecture Degree Core Courses
ARCH 2015Architecture II 17
ARCH 2016Architecture II 17
ARCH 3015Architecture III 17
ARCH 3016Architecture III 17
ARCH 4004Architecture IV - Option Lab 17
ARCH 4014Architecture IV - Integrative Design 18
Major Requirements
ARCH 1015Foundation Design Laboratory6
ARCH 1016Foundation Design Laboratory6
ARCH 2034Art of Building 12
ARCH 3054Building Analysis 12
ARCH 3065Building Materials and Assemblies 13
ARCH 3066Building Materials and Assemblies 13
ARCH 3900 20
ARCH 4034Building Cities 13
ARCH 4044Professional Practice in Architecture3
ARCH 4055Environment and Building Systems3
ARCH 4056Environment and Building Systems3
ARCH 4075Building Structures 13
ARCH 4076Building Structures 13
ARCH 4515Architecture V 16
ARCH 4516Architecture V 16
ESM 3704Basic Principles of Structures3
Professional Electives
Select six credits of professional elective courses choosing from the list of approved courses below:6
ARCH 2954
Topics in Architecture History & Theory
Topics in Architectural Media and Methods
Topics in Architecture and Praxis
ARCH 3954
Advanced Topics in Architecture History & Theory
Advanced Building Structures I
Advanced Building Structures II
ARCH 4204
Advanced Topics in Architectural Media and Methods
Advanced Environment Building Systems
Advanced Topics in Architecture and Praxis
Architectural Lighting Design
ARCH 4954
Free Electives
Select 11 credits of free electives 311
Pathways to General Education
Pathways Concept 1 - Discourse
ENGL 1105First-Year Writing3
ENGL 1106First-Year Writing3
ARCH 4114Ideas, Concepts, and Representations of Architecture (1A)3
Pathways Concept 2 - Critical Thinking in the Humanities
ARCH 3115Histories of Architecture (in Major Required Course)3
ARCH 3116Histories of Architecture (in Major Required Course)3
Pathways Concept 3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences
Select six credits in Pathway 36
Pathways Concept 4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences
Select six credits in Pathway 46
Pathways Concept 5 - Quantitative and Computational Thinking
MATH 1535Geometry and Mathematics of Design3
or MATH 1225 Calculus of a Single Variable
MATH 1536Geometry and Mathematics of Design3
or MATH 1226 Calculus of a Single Variable
Select three credits of Pathway 5a3
Pathways Concept 6 - Critique and Practice in Design and the Arts
ARCH 4514Thesis Inquiry (6A) 43
ARCH 4524Thesis Documentation (6D) 43
Pathways Concept 7 - Critical Analysis of Identity and Equity in the United States
Select three credits in Pathway 7 53
Total Credits160

Prerequisite/Corequisite: Some courses listed on this checksheet may have prerequisites and/or corequisites; please consult the University Course Catalog or check with your advisor.


The Bridge Experience is the application of academic knowledge and skills to a work-based experience aligned with post-graduation goals using research-based learning processes. Satisfactory completion of work-based experience often in the form of internship, undergraduate research, co-op, or study abroad; self-evaluation; reflection; and showcase of learning. Pre-approval of a 3900 bridge plan is required after the first year. Register for the semester that corresponds with the beginning of the Bridge Experience.


It is recommended that free elective credits be taken at the 2000-level and higher.


ARCH 4514 Thesis Inquiry and ARCH 4524 Thesis Documentation each satisfy 3cr. Arts / 3 cr. Design under Pathways to Gen. Ed. Concept 6.


Critical Analysis of Identity & Equity in the US may be double counted with another core outcome.